Respiratory disorders involving either the upper and lower respiratory tracts, in particular Rhinits / Rhinosinusitis, Asthma and COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) are high prevalence diseases, associated with a relevant morbidity and not negligible social costs. Respiratory Diseases in addition are a major cause of disability and thus result in a heavy economic burden, whereas allergic rhinits is under-diagnosed and undertreated or left to automedication. The common process for both Allergic and Obstructive Respiratory Diseases is Inflammation. The mechanisms and pathways of different types of inflammation will be deeply treated and the audience will get all the most recent news about the clinical applicatio of this translational science. During the very recent years, there have been significant advances in the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches (e.g. component-resolved diagnosis for allergic diseases, biological drugs for severe asthma, new effective inhaled drugs for COPD). Mainly targeting different inflammatory traits : this will be the main topic. How to define, detect, select the types of inflammation and the candidate drugs for treating them. The meeting will provide an up to date on the mentioned topics, with sections specifically devoted to upper airways asthma and COPD, including a fruitful scientific discussion about all the “hot topics” and the unmet needs. A special effort has been made to collect the most important scientists and clinicians, from the world, to ensure an outstanding and high quality scientific program.
Co-presidenti del congresso
Prof. G.Walter Canonica
Humanitas Reserach Hospital Milan, Italy
Prof. Ignacio J. Ansotegui
Hospital Quirónsalud Bizkaia Bilbao, Spain